Here is your next challenge amazing artists. This challenge is all about creativity and being silly.
Remember when you finish take a picture of it and share it with everyone by clicking here or send it to me at
Step 1-Draw 5 random lines on a piece of paper. To make if even more fun, have a friend or family member draw the 5 lines for you.
Step 2: Turn your paper in a slow circle and see if you can find a picture in it. Start to draw lines to create your picture. If you can not imagine a picture that you can create, just start adding lines and shapes to create an abstract art piece. Have fun. This is meant to be silly and help you work your creativity muscle.
Step 3: Color it!!! You can even do like I did and add different lines within your picture to create texture. Look at this crazy picture. I call it,"The Mad Scientist".
Step 4: Repeat, Repeat, Repeat!!! You can play this game endlessly. Remember to take a picture of it an email it to me at so I can add it to Instagram. If you don't want me to add it to Instagram, just say so in your message. I would still love to see what you are creating.