Materials: Paper, Dice or number cards, pencil, coloring supplies of your choice
Remember when you finish take a picture of it and share it with everyone by clicking here or send it to me at
Directions: You will be using dice or number cards for this activity. If you don't have dice, simply take a piece of paper and cut it into 6 pieces and number each piece. Viola! Number cards. (See below for example).
Step 1: On your piece of paper, make a monster body any way you want. Some options could be a circle, square, peanut shaped, a blob...etc.
Step 2: Roll your dice or choose a number card. You will us the number on this card to make a feature on you monster. Use is any way you want. For example, if you get the number two you might use it to make two eyes or you can be extra silly and make two noses. It is your crazy monster so you make the rules:) Continue pulling numbers until you feel like your monster is finished. See examples and the final step below.
Step 3: Add your details and color to make your crazy monster extra awesome. Remember to send me a picture at so I can see your super crazy monsters. I can't wait to see what you created. See below for my final Crazy Monsters.